Karl Kron
Sobriquet has been assigned to Jay Garland Pen Name of Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg
Author of "Ten Thousand Miles on a Bicycle", published in 1887 and dedicated to his dog "Curl". This book was crowd sourced by three thousand, One Dollar prepaid subscribers, among whom included the following Montreal Bicycle Club members J.W. Davis, A.T. Lane (* WR), J.D. Miller (S-T, VP,B.WR), Chas. Lyman (o) H.S. Tibbs (P, WC,LCC) At the end of the book, in addition to naming all 3000 subscribers, and which club they were affiliated with, Karl Kron provided such personal subscriber details as..... * Dealers in Bicycles WR representative in Canadian Wheelmen's Assoc S secretary in club T treasurer in club B bugler in club o non rider in club P president of club WC consul in Canadian Wheelmen's Assoc LCC Ieague chief consul (state rep) in League of American Wheelmen His book was an early example of crowd funding, an early inspiration for "Roads Were Not Built For Cars" Karl Kron has this memorable quotation: “All creatures who have ever walked have wished that they might fly. With high wheelers a flesh and blood man can hitch wings to his feet.” Perhaps this is why may cycling organizations adopted winged wheel symbols in the 1880's. |