Montreal Bicycle Club Scrapbook
On 2 Dec 1878, Messrs C.J. Sidey and Horace S. Tibbs met by appointment at the house of the latter, 33 Chomedy Street in Montreal and proceeded to the business of forming a bicycle club.
After some consultation it was decided the the underwritten Constitution and Bye-Laws should be adopted and remain in force until the formal General Meeting as provided in the Bye-Laws and should then be submitted to that Meeting for approval or amendment. And it was resolved that Mr Sidey should hold the office of Captain till the said Annual Meeting and that Mr Tibbs should perform the duties of Secretary-Treasurer until the same date and should publish the fact of the organization of the Club and enroll "Original Members" who should append their signatures to the constitution and Bye-Laws as written below whose Entrance Fee should be considered due on signature. Annual subscription not to commence until the First of May 1879. The Montreal Bicycle Club
Constitution We Charles James Sidney and Horace Somerset Tibbs both old Country Bicyclists, taking into consideration that a Bicycle Club should be formed in the city of Montreal have therefore worked to form an association to be called The Montreal Bicycle Club having the following Bye-laws which we hereby approve and ratify.
I. That the club be called "The Montreal Bicycle Club"
II. That the Membership of the Club be open to all Amateur Riders. Every such rider to be proposed for election by one Member of the Club seconded by another and balloted by all those present at any meeting of two-thirds of the Members present required for election. Every intending Member to ride with the Club provisions to Election unless the Committee decides otherwise III. That the Proposer of a New Member be liable for his Entrance Fee and First year's Subscription. IV. That the uniform of the Club be a Dark Blue Knicker-bocker Suit with "Fore & After" Cap of the same color. That all Members wear the uniform when riding with the Club. V. That the distinctive badges of the Club be A Silver Beaver, and the letters M.B.C. to be Embroidered in White Silk on the front of the cap. VI. The Annual Subscription ($2.50) Two Dollars and a half payable on the First of May in each year: and that any Member in arrears after the First of June be debarred from any privileges of Membership till his dues be paid. VII. That the Annual Business Meeting of the Club, at which the officers for the ensuring year shall be elected be held on the First Monday in May at such a place as the committee may pick to be convened by the Secretary who will give not less than six days notice of such meeting in writing to each Member.
VIII. That the Opening Meet be held on the Saturday following the Annual Meeting or on any more convenient day that the committee may fix. IX. The the management of the Club be acted in the hands in the hands of the following officers: viz: Captain: Sub-Captain: Secretary (who shall also act as Treasurer) and two Committee-Men: the whole to constitute a Committee of which three shall form a quorum. X. That every excursion of the Club at which there are present at least three members of the Committee be a recognized ordinary Meeting of the Club. XI. That the Committee be entrusted with the entire management of the affairs of the Club. XII. That no Member of the Montreal Bicycle Club be allowed to join any other bicycle club in the Island of Montreal. XIII. That any Member violating the rules or guilty of any misconduct be expelled from the Club by the votes of two thirds (2/3) of the Members present at a Special General Meeting to be convened as in Rule VII XIV. That a Special General Meeting must be called by the Secretary upon receipt of a written requisition signed by six (6) Members to be convened as in Rule VII XV. That at any Meeting of the Club Honorary Members whether riders or non-riders may be proposed, seconded and balloted for two thirds (2/3) of those voting for selection: but it is understood that Honorary Members have no voice in the management of the Club and are not liable for the usual Dues. XVI. The the Club when out riding shall be under the control of the Captain, who if unable to attend, will appoint a Deputy and notify the Secretary of the fact XVII. That the Sub-Captain shall always ride in the rear: and if unable to attend will appoint a Deputy as in Rule XVI XVIII. That no Member while riding with the Club shall be allowed to pass the Officer in charge without his permission XIX. That only the Captain or Sub-Captain or other Officers acting in their absence be allowed to use whistles or other signals when out with the Club except in cases of emergency XX. That the signals from the Officers in charge be as follows From the Leader Prolonged Whistle: "Fall in and Mount" Distinct do : "Single File" do do : "Two Abreast" do do : "Dismount" From the Rear Prolonged Whistle: "Decrease Speed" do do : "Halt" XXI. That no Alteration in, or Addition to the Rules be made except at a Special General Meeting to be convened as in Rule VII. Such Addition or Amendment be subject to confirmation or rejection at the Next Annual Meeting Montreal 2nd December 1878 Charles James Sidey Captain Ad Interim Horace Somerset Tibbs Secretary-Treasurer "" We the undersigned Original Members of the Montreal Bicycle Club agree to adhere to and be bound by the Fore-going Constitution and Bye-Laws subject to their ratification or Amendment at the First Annual Business Meeting provided for in Rule VII Signature Date
A.T. Lane 1878 Dec 9
Illegible 1879 May 29 Illegible "" Ernest Glackmeyer "" illegible crossed out "" Illegible crossed out ?? "" Illegible Johnson crossed out or replaced by ?? "" H Barsalan ???? |
In 1886, then as a member club of the M.A.A.A., the Montreal Bicycle Club Constitution, and by-laws can be viewed here: