A.G. Batchelder
Sobriquet used by Jake Chadwick 1896 - A.G. Batchelder (Amos Grant) organized a Six Day Bicycle Race at Madison Square Gardens in New York
it later became known as "The Greatest Six-Day Bicycle Race Ever Seen" It was also the debut of Major Taylor into the world of Professional Bicycle Racing. 1899 - Lobbies for the inclusion of National Cycling Association riders in the World Cycling Meet at Queens Park Velodrome in Montreal. This was opposed by the rival League of American Wheelmen. 1901 - He was a passenger in the first collision between a train and an automobile in the United States. The car was being driven by famous race car driver Henri Fournier after visiting the estate of William K Vanderbilt on Long Island NY. 1910 - Becomes Executive Chairman of the American Automobile Association 1921 - Dies in Aeroplane crash near Indian Head MD The July 1921 Oregon Motorist issue that contains his biography entitled "Amos G. Batchelder, America's Foremost Highway Enthusiast" can be downloaded here. |