Montreal Bicycle Club Scrapbook
Montreal Bicycle Club 1882. From "A Sporting Revolution: The MAAA 1881-1981" this is the first known group photograph of the club members c/w riding uniforms and club mascot.
"The longest club rides were 1 July, 32 miles, 5 attended, 31 July, 36 miles, 4 attended and Disraeli the "Club Dawg" covered the whole distance "like a man"." CWA The Bicycle Jan 1883
"The longest club rides were 1 July, 32 miles, 5 attended, 31 July, 36 miles, 4 attended and Disraeli the "Club Dawg" covered the whole distance "like a man"." CWA The Bicycle Jan 1883
Montreal Bicycle Club
Affiliated with the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association and the League of American Wheelmen
Annual Race Meeting to be held on the Montreal Lacrosse Grounds on Saturday, 2nd September 1882, commencing 2:30 p.m, weather permitting. PROGRAMME
1 Mile (4th Class), open to those who have never raced before
2 Mile (3rd Class), open to those who have never won a prize 2 Mile (2nd Class), open to those who have never won a 1st prize from scratch 3 Mile (1st Class, Cup Race), open to all EVENTS OPEN TO ALL AMATEURS
1 Mile Bicycle Race
5 Mile Bicycle Race, open to those who have never won a prize 100 Yard Foot Race, (in heats) 440 Yard Foot Race 1 Mile Foot Race 1 Mile Race on Wooden Velocipedes, open to boys under 15 years 1 Mile Bicycle Race, open to boys under 15 years ENTRIES CLOSE 30TH AUGUST
To the Secretary, Club box 1733, accompanied by fee 50c for open events, 25c for club events. Boys' races free.
Members of other clubs are requested to give name of their club. Unattached riders must furnish proper credentials as their standing as amateurs. The Committee reserve the right to make any alteration of the programme they think necessary, and to refuse or strike out entries J.D. MILLER, Hon-Sec |
MBC Minute book 20 July 1882 describing planned race at Lacrosse Grounds (see map)